Sunday, November 24, 2002


historical costuming, more historical costuming, oh, and more Historical Costuming

scottish dress history

tons of knitting links

I want this sewing pattern - "historical" dress. Oh, and this one of sewing accessories. And think of how bad it would be if I could make my own bags!

knit blog templates

sock patterns - ample knitters, braided socks, the ample listers not for skinny legs socks, spinderella's free patterns, and the ubiquitous blueberry waffle socks.

american doll dress, and links.

historical knitting patterns

twisted german cast-on

Knitter's Magazine #54, Spring 1999 - get it!

The �Sleeves in your Pi� shawl was designed by Gayle Roehm and featured in Knitter's Magazine, #61, Winter 2000.

I think my issue is that the only project I'm working on for ME right now is a pair of socks that I've dubbed the "ugly toe-up socks." They are made out of the ugly Sockotta yarn. The yarn itself makes a LOVELY fabric, I just got a truly ugly color of it. I did have a break through looking through the ample knitters gallery; I can switch to size 2's for the cuff. Since it's 2x2 ribbing, the size change won't be noticable, and then the cuff won't stretch unattractively. And I can whiz through the cuff on size 2s; my brittany size 1s are upset at the amount of stress I'm putting on them, and I'm unhappy that they don't have a nice smooth surface. How do my clover needles seem sticky but smooth at the same time? I don't know, but that's why I love bamboo for socks.

I got the GORGEOUS koigu pppm this week. I had forgotten the color, and that there were 4 whole skeins! I think that I will make myself a scarf AND socks, if I can stretch it. Maybe a small pair of lace cuff socks. I still want to make a scarf out of the autumnal koigu, but it might have to wait. Ooh, or maybe I'll make gloves and socks, or gloves and a scarf...or use the autumn for gloves...I'm just so excited, but I CAN'T start anything yet!

I want to finish up Nicole's tank top, too. I don't know if it will get done in time for Christmas, but I will need to work on finishing, and I think a tank top is a good practice. I want to make the shapely tank for myself, and maybe a striped sweater for my Molly 18" doll. I really want to get into full-sized projects, rather than scarves and socks, but I'm scared. I think if I make a sweater for Molly, I can practice construction, and make something nice. Or I can give it to my sister for her doll.

Here are my wish list projects:

from Interweave Knits, Fall or Autumn 2001:

* the possum yarn Irish Mist set
* the gathering bag
* the caramel/denim toddler sweater

Funny how that one magazine has so many amazing projects! I just look through it over and over again. And I read the instructions for the Irish Mist set over and over - I think that when I do get around to knitting it, it will come out perfect! I'm tempted to order a couple skeins and knit the scarf part, just for practice, mind you!

* shetland lace shawls, particularly this one

how do I drop the yarn overs? I will have to experiment. I hear another koigu swatch calling...

Incidentally, I flipped through the Knitter's gallery online...and I will probably buy it, for one reason and one reason only - I am an advanced beginner without the confidence to design a scarf on my own. Otherwise...I wouldn't bother.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

rats. My schedule this morning was so messed up that I left my knitting stuff at home. I have a project in my drawer at work, (actually, technically 3 - 2 socks and a scarf) but I left the sock instructions at home. I'm at the turning the heel/picking up stitches bit, and I'm not yet confident enough to do that on my own! But I can work on the scarf a bit, and that will be a nice change of pace.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

heels turned on Julie's green socks. Web's tomorrow?

knitting wish list for tomorrow

size 11 circ

10,9,10.5 dpn

vogue knitting on the go, gloves and mittens

web's for k.secret.s.s.
(jamieson's shetland wool looks good - maybe gch aspen?)

new Knitters

1 skein apart to go w/ my Koigu for the Rockstar scarf.

wizard scarf

Monday, November 18, 2002

knitted stockings - for under a kilt, perhaps?

Thursday, November 14, 2002

I will finish the Thursday Thumb Twiddler later, I promise!

cat toy swirl ball

The Thursday Thumb-Twiddler

1. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why?

Hmmm. I don't know. Maybe if it was for a good cause, like the body farm or something. I'm pretty into cremation, I don't want to rot in a casket. Rotting in the woods is fine, I just don't want to be a box full of mush.

2. The head of the Postal Service calls you up and tells you that you've been chosen at random to create a postage stamp with anyone or anything on it. What would you choose?

3. What's the longest line you've ever stood in?

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Not a whole lot to report, knitting-wise. Did 14 rows of sock yesterday during a boring re-training at work. Started casting on Bob's Grey Christmas Woolease socks. Am contemplating making hat for my sister out of the leftover circus to match her socks...

knitting article

knitted cat toy

trinity stitch shawl pattern

"troop" knitting

Sunday, November 10, 2002

And here's the friday five, a few days late.

The Friday Five - late, again.

1. Did you vote in your last elections?

Yes, I did. I did a lot of research before I voted, too. Was still a little stumped on Massachusetts ballot questions 3.

2. Do you know who your elected representatives are?

Um, most of them, yes. State representatives, and reps to congress.

3. Have you ever contacted an elected representative? If so, what was it about?

When I was in high school I used to send/sign a lot of letters about environmental causes in Upstate NY. I've participated in a few other letter/email campaigns since then.

4. Have you ever participated in a demonstration?

Not exactly, but I did do some lobbying on Earth Day in Albany. It was really cool to have face time with some state reps and let them know how serious we were, and even though most of us were too young to vote (this was high school), we could still make our opinions known.

5. Have you ever volunteered in an election? What was the result?

No, I haven't volunteered in an election.

This entry was SUPPOSED to be posted on Thursday, but I didn't have time to do anything other than email it to myself....

Knitting news...well, I finished Mom's red socks. I haven't grafted the toe yet, because I hate it, but I will get to it. I think the problem is that I haven't managed to successfully do it once. I think it is one of those things that I really need to watch someone do it. Maybe there is a clip out there online somewhere that shows toe-grafting. [note - since I wrote this, I sat down w/ the step-by-step directions in Interweave Knits, and made a nicer toe than I'd ever managed - still not perfect, but I'm starting to understand the concept.]

Got my Pony Pearls size 3 dpns today, which was great, but the invoice said that my other yarn (more Koigu pppm and Noro Kureyon) and my Koigu scarf booklet won't be sent out until NOVEMBER 21st! Yipe. I kind of wanted to get a scarf done by Christmas for Matt, and I don't know if one month will be long enough. I'm making pretty rapid progress on all my other Christmas projects, so it might be okay, but still. And still no sign of the 3 month old Mary Maxim order that I was assured would be sent out Monday. That pair of socks is supposed to be for my sister, and it would be nice to start working on that. [note again - I was surprised on Friday to receive both the Koigu pattern booklet and the very very very late sock yarn from Mary Maxim!]

I really like the afghan I started for Madison, big and cushy, and hopefully will use up a lot of the extra acrylic yarn I have lying around. If I can get the acrylic stash WAAAAY down, then maybe I can start working through the nice stuff I've picked up randomly. Projects, projects everywhere! I should probably start w/ the S.S. for K, and bring the PSH for N with me this weekend. I'm going east for my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. Someday, if I'm really brave, I might post the pictures from the 40th anniversary. Pretty painful.

The Thursday Thumb Twiddler

1. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

I think I would have wished that my mom was a little more vocal about the junk I was eating in Junior High...but she was so depressed then, and didn't have a lot of energy. I don't think that I would wish that my parents didn't get divorced, but I do wish that my dad was more involved with my life.

2. Have you ever displayed in your home a hated, ugly, and useless gift, just because the donor happened to be paying you a visit?

No, not really, but I wore some pretty awful clothes that relatives bought me.

3. If you were writing a new children's book, what might you choose for the setting, and who might the main character be?

I used to tell a story to a little girl I baby sat about a cow and a girl farmer. I liked that story alot.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

intensely cute baby bootie pattern and of course socks, socks, and more socks.

Yarn should get here soon...I hope.

Monday, November 04, 2002

I just realized that while I am supposed to have a lot of back ordered yarn coming in the mail, I've been pretty good about not buying yarn these past few weeks. I did buy 4 skeins 2 weeks ago, but that was to finish some already started works in progress. I also realized that I have not been finishing this this week as well as I have been the last 2 weeks. I blame it on my shortage of #3 dpns. I did start yet another new project...but it is a stash buster! I'm using lots of leftover acrylic baby yarn to make Madison an afghan.

Sunday, November 03, 2002

I'm a little excited. The rest of my Patterworks order (including Matt's scarf yarn) was supposed to ship on Friday, and the Opal sock yarn from Mary Maxim that I've been waiting for FOREVER is supposed to ship tomorrow. Both very exciting. I gave my sister the blue circus socks early, since she was having a bad week and came out to visit this weekend. I also got to go to Webs, the legendary yarn store. I loved it. I could easily spend a million bucks there. I got the new Vogue Knitting, and the new Interweave Knits, another set of size 2 dpns, and two size 1 twenty-something inch circulars for socks. I have to agree with the general consensus about Vogue Knitting this time. Except for that cover hat, I'm not really interested in the patterns.

A few in Interweave caught my eye, particularly the Golden Ruching Shawl, and the Dotty Drape Shell. I also really like the Leaf Cravat...I had been considering ordering some stuff from Loop-d-Loop, and now I can try this first to see if I'm up to the patterns. I really liked the Impressionist Cardigan, but I'm depressed at all the Jazz/Portrait combos I've been seeing lately. I just can't even remotely afford it!! My sister was wearing a sweater this weekend that she got at Gap/Old Navy that is EXACTLY like the Lacy Bell Pullover, which I thought was pretty darn cool.

sock pattern for regia yarn, and a sock pattern for that Tabby-colored yarn I have. Might need another skein, though.

I'm a little late on the Friday Five, but I really wanted to answer them. Plus, well, I have a few other projects going on, so I don't think I'll be updating any online journals as frequently as I may have in the past. So I'd like to at least stay on top of things with the Friday Five and the Thursday Thumb Twiddler.

Friday Five:

1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith?

Um, definitely Protestant. My Mom's family church was a Congregationalist church, and I liked that alot. My Dad's church was a Methodist church, and that was pretty good too.

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not?

I still have faith, and I'm still spiritual, but I do not often attend church, and when I do, it is usually Catholic services w/ my boyfriend's family. I don't very much like Catholic church. I think I would like to find a nice Congregationalist/Presbytarian, Methodist church, and go sometimes when I want to be quiet and listen to happy hymns. Catholics don't seem to have any happy songs.

3. What do you think happens after death?

This changes frequently. I think I have it narrowed down to two. Either Heaven/Hell or Reincarnation. I can't decide. I like the idea of Heaven, and eventually ending up somewhere good, but then I like the reincarnation idea that you have a few different tries to get there.

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)?

I've always been a huge fan of Easter. I should have been Catholic, I swear. They take that whole crucifiction thing VERY seriously. But then again, my favorite part of Easter is the joy of Resurrection. I love Easter services where you sing all the happy, joyful hymns. The miraculous ones. My second favorite hymn is an Easter hymn. The one that goes:

Up from the grave he arose (he arose)

With a mighty triumph o'er his foes

He arose a victor from the dark domain

And He'll live forever with the saints to reign...

5. Do you believe people are basically good?

I wish I did. I think people are born good, but some people's family's ruin them.