Saturday, July 26, 2003

I'm a knitting fiend today. It's the day that Matt's gaming group (the exalted game, not the 3rd ed d&d, for those of you who care) games at our house, and I sit in the computer room watching DVD's and knitting. Sometimes Amber comes too, though as of right now, she isn't here yet. *sniff*

So, I cast on for Tasha, and I'm loving this yarn, despite all the indigo dye its leaving on my hands. It's truly going to look gorgeous. And I found a lot of my circular needles, so I'm redistributing and rearranging my Denise needles and my bamboos. I'm finding that I could probably use a few more long bamboo in the 5 to 8 range. I may pick some up next week when Jenn and I look for yarn for a possible shawl for her wedding. We're thinking either copper or black or black and copper, as her dress is red velvet and duipon silk. Gorgeous!!

I also finished the Jane top, just have to weave in some ends. I'll try to photograph it soon. I'll have to cast on the bottom, perhaps tomorrow. The second sock for Jenn and the front of the tank top are both languishing, suffering form second item syndrome. I finished the pink baby set, all but the end weaving, and have been working off and on on the tartelette shawl that I plan to wear for Jenn's wedding. Circular baby blanket (no baby in mind, just for practice and to create a "baby gift" stash) is coming along great, but my eyelet row is not that dramatic. I wonder if blocking will take care of that? We'll have to see. That's one of the reasons I'm trying this baby blanket before my first real eyelet or lace shawl project.

So, that's it for now, just thought I'd update, in case anyone is wondering.

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