Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Sigh, blogger is being frustrating again. This happened before...I made a bunch of template changes, saved them, republished the blog, and 24 hours later, GONE. I just added the bit of referrer code on the right, and had to add it back in this morning. Shortly I believe I'll be going over to TypePad, once I have the template the way I want it. I'm impressed by the archive importing tool. Hopefully I can get it to work, and get it up on my actual hosted domain. Wouldn't that be cool? Just the way I want it.

No more knitting progress to report since this morning. Haven't had time at work. Man, I'd love to finish some projects this week, but I don't know if it's going to happen. I'd especially love to finish the koigu socks, but I have quite a way to go, depending on how long I decide to make the cuffs. I need to make some more mousies, too. I made 2 already, but haven't stuffed them, and they got lost in the move. Drat. Ur, Dmouse?

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